Before creating video marketing assets, it is important to know not only the message you want to convey but how you want to convey it. Here you will find some questions to help you determine the direction you want to go in with your promotional video.
What is the purpose of your video?
You really can do a lot with video. Before you begin, you will want to determine what you want the purpose of the video to be. Informing consumers of a new product? Entertaining the audience to keep them on your website longer? Educating potential customers about your company?
What emotional response are you going for?
Emotion is a super powerful way to engage with your customer base. Making customers smile or feel sentimental is a great way to increase shares across social networks. Determining what emotional response you would like to elicit before creating your video will help set the tone for the entire project.
What is the story you want to tell?
Once you know the purpose of your video and what kind of emotional response you are trying to create, you’ll want to focus on the story that you want to tell your audience. Is it an inspirational story about how you started your business and carved out a place for yourself in your industry? Is it the story of a customer’s life being improved by your products or services?
Can your video convey your message without sound?
Research shows that 85 percent of Facebook videos are watched without sound. Captions, titles, and strong visuals can help your message reach your audience, even with the audio turned off.
Is your message too broad?
When it comes to marketing and advertising, you want to get a lot of bang for your buck. While it can be tempting to cover a wide range of topics in one video, you don’t want to go so broad that you lose your viewers. Keeping videos to one topic with a strong call to action is the best way to keep your audience engaged.
There you have it! If you want to create a concise message to connect with your audience, ask yourself these five questions. Need some help? Call Clint for a free consultation at 1-888-533-7637 ext 202.